Saturday, February 11, 2006
Felon Vote, the Last Hope
I believe I will try a different approach. Rather than knock them, I’ll applaud their efforts to keep their dead political party on life support. What brilliant, highly compensated, well-educated political strategist woke up one morning, drove into his office, and said, “We could win more often if we just had more voters. Let’s target the felon vote. After all, some of our best candidates are criminals.”
Since they already have a lock on the illegal alien, dead, mentally unstable, chemically dependent, unemployed, and socially dependant vote, the felon vote was the next logical step. I hope that the law-abiding members of their party realize that they are judged by the company they keep, and make the decision to make a change [of affiliation].
To the law-abiding, Democrat voting, citizens of Maryland I would like to add the following words of wisdom. As you are marching arm-in-arm, and side-by-side with your fellow voters to the polls, keep in mind the following. The criminals that rape your wives, steal your cars, murder your friends, molest your daughters, shoplift from your businesses, and sell drugs to your sons will be marching with you. Why? Because to your elected officials, you are no better than they are.
Although you work hard, support your family, pay your taxes, and remain on the right side of the law, desperate times call for desperate measures. Your party wants to regain power, even at the expense of your family's safety. To your elected officials, you are just a tool used for the acquisition of power. Think about this. If the people you elect depend on felons for votes, what makes you think that these elected officials will keep them in jail and out of house or your car?
So in closing, as that carjacker is driving off in your Lexus, Caddy, Benz, or Lincoln kindly remind him to please follow the printed instructions on the sample ballot you left for him on the passenger seat.