Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Para inglés aprieta dos. (For English Press 2.)

First it was English, and then it became press 1 for English. Is Para inglés aprieta dos next?

The issue of illegal immigration is a very important. For those who think I don't have any issues with the Republican Party, below is my letter sent to President Bush, my Congressional representatives, and the leadership of the US House and Senate. If you have never written your elected officials, you may want to give it a try. It never hurts to let them know that you are actually paying attention to their actions. Some members of Congress will actually send you a reply.
Dear President Bush,

I am writing to express my extreme displeasure with the US Congress and the Republican Party concerning the issue of Illegal Immigration, and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. On behalf of millions of native born, and naturalized citizens of the United States of American that were too busy working, paying taxes, and providing for our family to make our position worthy of media coverage, please accept my apology. We were too busy doing the jobs that illegal aliens won’t do.

The coverage of the millions of law breaking illegal aliens that openly protest without fear of consequence illustrates the magnitude of the problem, and the importance of addressing this issue immediately. Recent attempts to give legal status to people who have broken the law to steal the precious gift of US citizenship is an absolute disgrace. Those responsible should be completely ashamed. Although we are a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws. As such, we should not reward criminals who are willing to overtly disregard our laws, and expect them to magically become law-abiding citizen at the stroke of the Presidents pen.

Imagine if millions of undocumented and illegal pharmaceutical dealers protested the laws against illegal drugs. Would the US Congress reward them by making cocaine and marijuana legal? I should hope not. Just as it is totally inappropriate to break and enter into someone’s home and then expect them to invite you to stay for dinner, it is also inappropriate to reward those who break and enter into this country without permission.

I strongly urge you to support legislation that requires all illegal aliens in this country who want be become US citizens to admit guilt, return to their country of origin, and make arrangement to enter the correct way. Those who fail to leave voluntarily, should be charged with a felony, and never be granted US citizenship under any circumstance. This is the only acceptable resolution to this problem, and I strongly urge you to have the courage to do what needs to be done. Myself, and millions of law-abiding, citizen and voters will be monitoring your actions.



With illegal immigration, I am again reminded of a lesson from my youth. My grandmother had a wooden screen door. You know, the kind where the lock was a metal hook that looked like a bent nail. This door was closed by a big spring. If you walked in without closing the door behind you, it would make a very loud bang as the door hit the frame. I can recall allowing the door to slam shut, and being told “If you can’t come in the right way, then just stay outside.” This is the message our country should send to illegal aliens. You are welcome to come in, but if you are unwilling to come in the right way, then just stay outside.

13 FAQs Asked About Illegal Immigration

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