Monday, October 30, 2006

Who is really getting played?

Imagine the looks I get, when I tell people I don’t have cable or satellite television. To put things in the terms of one of my favorite movies, I choose to be unplugged from the Matrix.

We have a television, and it does have an antenna, but I refuse to spend money on the garbage that is piped into people’s homes on Hollywood’s sewer line. When I am at home, I believe that there are more important things like the personal safety, and the financial security of my family that warrant my attention. I believe that Hollywood, profession sports, and the entertainment industries play an important role creating a diversion so that the American people aren’t paying attention to the actions of power hungry, greedy politicians. In exchange for the diversion, the government rewards sports teams by spending millions of taxpayer dollars building stadiums, coliseums, and arenas.

As a result, while people watching millionaires play children’s games; they themselves are being played by the politicians that are lifting their wallets. Compare how many people who can name the members of NFL teams, but can’t name their own representatives. Politicians are perfectly happy that people aren’t paying attention to them. To them the issues aren’t important, just show up on Election Day and copy the sample ballots. Meanwhile, these same voters are voting against school choice and prayer in schools, and for non-heterosexual marriage.

I choose to avoid being distracted and I make sure that my family and our values are represented in the voting booth. Therefore, it is a matter of my priorities. I choose to be more concerned about those who determine the direction of this country, and a lot less concerned about those who determine the direction of the football. Wake up American! It’s 4th and long, do you know what you politicians are doing?

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