Friday, November 03, 2006

MTV Doesn't like Black People?

Kanye West, who stated on National TV after Hurricane Katrina that "George Bush doesn't like Black People" is upset again. Kanye crashed the stage when the award for Best Video was being presented to another group.

...Kanye said he should have won the prize for his video "Touch The Sky," because it "cost a million dollars, Pamela Anderson was in it. I was jumping across canyons.

"If I don't win, the awards show loses credibility," Kanye said.

Who is poor Kanye going to blame this time?

The article is linked by clicking the title. The story states...

"Kanye apparently was so disappointed at not winning for Best Video that he crashed the stage Thursday in Copenhagen when the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends."

Kanye was quick to cry racism for Katrina, so I wonder if he will claim the same with MTV. Reguardless, I don't think the will stop them from showing his videos.
And this is the same Kanye West who portrayed Jesus Christ on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine? Kanye is the music version of Terrell Ownens. The glory hog already won one award already. I bet some groups were nominated and didn't win anything. He wouldn't dare saying negative or claim racism against MTV or Viacom. Without MTV, his career is over. Maybe Bush denied him the award.
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