Sunday, January 20, 2008
Black Obama Supporters
Eric said...
I enjoy listening to black Dems try to explain why they support Obama and attempt to make it seem like it is based on the issues and not his race. It is usually quite obvious that they don't have a clue about current events or the responsibilities of the POTUS.
For black people, being a Dem voter is never about the issues. If it were, pro-abortion candidates wouldn't be permitted to pimp for votes from the pulpit. I was a Dem voter for a number of years. The plan has always been to vote based on race in the primary, and based on party during the general. Not much has changed over the years.
I am so thankful that I no longer allow racial and social division to influence my political decisions. When ones political decisions are based on firm beliefs (as I've listed above). Being politically active is such more rewarding because you are doing it with Dr. Kings dream in mind.