Thursday, March 23, 2006
Why you have this embedded vendetta against the Democrats, who seem to be your target?Here are some of my additional comments related to the Republican party.
I have a vendetta, but I don’t limit myself to Democrats. My vendetta is against those who copy sample ballots because they are unable to make informed decisions for themselves. My vendetta is against those who pimp the poor for their votes. My vendetta is against those who seek votes from felons, illegal aliens, and others who should be permitted to vote because the informed populace would never vote for them. My vendetta is against those who would jeopardize the safety and security of me, and my family for their personal political gain. If you say I have a vendetta against Democrats, then I say “if the shoe fits let the Democrats wear it.”
So I guess the Republicans--who you cannot seem to dig up or "find" any negativity about--have a squeaky clean record....surveillence, wire tapping, misleading the public...I guess we will only see what we "want" to see because of something called perspective?
There are a number of issues in which I disagree with the present Administration. I have written my elected officials many times to voice my displeasure. If you feel that wire tapping and conducting surveillance on TERRORIST is a crime, write your elected officials and demand articles of impeachment. Demand that they cut the funding for all surveillance. I bet they won’t do it because they know that it would mean the end of their political career. To talk against the Administration is cheap, but not even Hillary is man enough to take action.
As you may tell, I really enjoy responding to questions concerning my political positions. Being able to provide intelligent answers to questions really helps to promote thought on various issues. Now, if only I could find a way to make a living doing it. Oh well, maybe one day.